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 We do not offer tax, legal, or investment advice, and it's imperative that you seek guidance from relevant professionals before acting on any information provided by us. This Site is continuously evolving, and we make no guarantees regarding its accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose. You acknowledge that any future income, expenses, sales volume, or potential profitability related to participation in this program cannot be guaranteed.

 You agree not to utilize any content from BANKROLL FOREX Products unlawfully. We do not assume responsibility for your actions; all materials and information provided are for general informational purposes only. It's your sole responsibility to evaluate and utilize BANKROLL FOREX Programs, products, services, software, as well as third-party products and services, based on your own research. You agree that we are not liable for any outcomes resulting from your use of BANKROLL FOREX Programs, products, or services, and you waive any attempts to hold us accountable for your decisions, actions, or results under any circumstances. Always exercise caution and seek professional advice from your accountant, lawyer, or advisor before making any decisions.



 We reserve the right to cancel or terminate your access to the Site, or any portion thereof, at any time without prior notice. Upon cancellation or termination, you are no longer permitted to access the affected part of the Site. The limitations on materials downloaded from the Site, as well as the disclaimers and liability limitations outlined in these Terms of Service, will remain in effect.

 By purchasing our educational services, you agree to adhere to this policy and acknowledge the refund guidelines outlined on https://www.bankrollforex.com We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of any discussions or educational content exchanged through our site or chat services, and it's advisable to verify information from alternate sources. Any projections provided are merely estimations. The content on the site or chat room does not constitute: an offer or invitation from https://www.bankrollforex.com or a securities recommendation by BANKROLL FOREX, its employees, owners, or independent contractors, to buy or sell securities or any other financial product, currency, or commodity.


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Under no circumstances, including negligence, shall we, our subsidiaries, parent companies, or affiliates be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising from the use of, or inability to use, the Site. This includes messaging, blogs, comments, books, emails, products, or services, as well as third-party materials, products, or services available through the Site. Even if we are informed beforehand of such potential damages, our liability is limited to the fullest extent permitted by law in certain states where exclusion or limitation of certain categories of damages may not be applicable.

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 We emphasize that we are not an investment advisory service, adviser, or provider of personalized financial advice. Our existence is solely for educational purposes, and the information we provide is for general informational purposes only. None of our information constitutes investment, tax, accounting, or legal advice, nor is it an offer or solicitation to buy or sell securities. It's imperative to consult with a licensed financial advisor before making any investment decisions. We exclude all liability, including negligence, to the fullest extent possible, except where exclusion is prohibited by law.


Earnings Disclaimer

 No Earnings Projections, Promises, or Assurances:

 The sales figures provided in BANKROLL FOREX Programs are estimates based on the experiences of BANKROLL FOREX and other business associates. It's important to note that our results are not typical, and we don't suggest that you will replicate them. Your earnings may vary, and we have accumulated expertise through years of trading experience. Generally, following instructional information yields minimal results. We use these references for illustrative purposes only. Running a business entails risk and requires substantial and consistent effort. If you're not prepared to accept this, our programs may not be suitable for you.

 Earnings and income representations made by BANKROLL FOREX are aspirational statements regarding your potential earnings. The achievements of BANKROLL FOREX testimonials and other examples cited are exceptional and not typical results, and they do not guarantee similar outcomes for you or others. Your individual results will depend on various factors, including your capacity, work ethic, skills, experience, motivation, diligence in applying BANKROLL FOREX products, economic conditions, and inherent risks of business. We haven't made any implications, warranties, or guarantees regarding future prospects or earnings associated with your purchase of BANKROLL FOREX products.

 Any earnings or income statements provided are estimates of potential earnings. There is no assurance that you will achieve similar results as indicated in any examples. Relying on any provided figures entails assuming the risk of not achieving comparable outcomes. Prior successes or earnings cannot be used to predict future success or results, and any claims regarding income or earnings should not be construed as average earnings.


  1. Economic Factors: The economy, both local and global, adds uncertainty and economic risks, which may affect the outcomes generated by BANKROLL FOREX products during economic downturns.
  2. Personal Success: Your success in utilizing the information or strategies offered by BANKROLL FOREX  products depends on various factors. We cannot guarantee that you will become wealthy or achieve similar earnings or results.
  3. Forward-Looking Statements: Materials may contain forward-looking statements, expressing expectations or forecasts of future events. These statements are subjective and do not solely rely on historical or current facts.
  4. Due Diligence: It's advisable to conduct your own due diligence and seek advice from qualified professionals before making business decisions.
  5. Purchase Price: The prices of  BANKROLL FOREX products is set arbitrarily by us and may not reflect objective standards.

 We assume no responsibility for any losses or damages resulting from your use of the website or the information provided.


Risk Disclaimer

This platform was created strictly for educational purposes.


 Under no circumstances should the information on this platform be interpreted as a direct or implied commitment or assurance. None of the content on https://www.bankrollforex.com should be treated as counsel or seen as offering recommendations of any sort. It is your duty to verify and determine whether to engage in trading and which transactions to execute. Engage in trading solely with discretionary capital, i.e., money that you can afford to lose. Forex trading carries significant risks and may not be suitable for every investor. The valuation of Forex can fluctuate, potentially resulting in losses exceeding the initial investment. Seasonal and geopolitical factors are already reflected in market prices. Futures trading's highly leveraged nature means minor market shifts can greatly affect your account, resulting in significant gains or losses. Any trading strategy you adopt is solely at your own risk. In the event of adverse market movements, you may incur a total loss exceeding your deposited amount. You are accountable for all risks, financial resources utilized, and chosen trading system. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Refrain from trading unless you fully grasp the nature of the transactions and potential loss exposure. Seek independent financial advice if these risks are not fully understood. BANKROLL FOREX holds no responsibility for losses incurred from using any demonstrated trading strategy. Techniques like stop loss orders may not always be effective due to market conditions or technical glitches. Forex trading presents challenges and potential profits for seasoned investors with sufficient capital and risk tolerance. Before engaging in the Forex market, carefully assess your investment goals, experience level, and risk appetite. Importantly, avoid investing funds beyond your means. All materials, tangible or intangible, on or from this course are STRICTLY FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. By utilizing this website and its services, whether paid or unpaid, you agree to this Disclaimer and its notices. Foreign exchange transactions entail considerable risk, susceptible to sharp fluctuations as market values change. The leveraged aspect of Forex trading means any market movement will proportionately affect deposited funds, potentially resulting in losses exceeding the investment. It's prudent to only use discretionary capital when speculating in such markets due to the inherent risks involved. I explicitly disclaim offering financial advice now or in the future. Nothing on this website or derived from it should be construed as financial advice. The materials provided are based on my own success in the markets and do not guarantee similar outcomes for you. Trading carries inherent risks; consult your financial advisor before participating in financial markets.